What is an After-school program?

An after-school program is a program that involves and keeps school going children occupied after the end of a traditional school day. These programs can be run by primary or secondary schools or by non-profit or commercial organizations. This was propagated to develop social and leadership skills among children. Schools generally finish by mid-afternoon and post that children have a lot of free time. If both parents are working, then it is difficult to supervise the child post-school hours. In such cases, after-school activities are an advantage. These activities also keep children occupied by either involving them in fun activities or getting homework done.

Benefits of after-school activities

Academic growth: After-school Program Portland that offer post-school tutoring and help with homework can help a child in getting higher grades.

Supervision and safety: Working parents can get help in form of child care through such programs. These programs supervise and monitor children while they keep busy either by playing or learning something new.

Behavioral growth: Children work in groups in after-school programs and it helps them in socializing with others well.

Positive time use: Children often learn new skills or a new sport at after-school programs.

Activities in after-school programs

Creative activities: Creative activities or art help in self-expression and therapy. Tasks such as clay modeling, painting and craft can reduce stress and help the child be happier.

Physical activities: Such activities can fulfill a child’s exercise requirement. There must be safety considerations while organizing or teaching sports or allowing children to play games. Soccer, yoga, swimming, climbing or racing is a good way to keep children occupied and fit.

Leisure activities: These are non-structured tasks and used to relax a participant while supporting social and emotional development. Reading, puzzles and board games are good examples.

Learning activities: After-school programs also have activities that can be taught to children as skills or just knowledge. Sometimes it includes tutoring on school work, homework, learning a new hobby, learning new but simple tasks like planting and growing an herb garden etc.

Martial arts are a good way to keep children occupied and many Portland After-school Programs incorporate martial arts. The Cedar Mill Martial Arts center has an After-school Program Portland for children and teenagers as well. They also offer a trial period of one month to see if your child likes taekwondo – their core martial art offering. The Cedar Mill Martial Arts center has a licensed after-school program and offers taekwondo classes for children between the ages of 4 to 12 years old. The Cedar Mill Martial Arts instructors are experienced and believe in the principles and teachings of taekwondo. They are committed to providing the best martial art training in taekwondo to young minds and also nurture the motivation of students to compete in sparring. They encourage students to pursue their goals through discipline and passion.


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